FAQs is a compilation of common business concerns TCCBI has received from managers and business owners around the world. Each response is entirely customized to the client`s specific business concern. Your question may very likely be among those listed here but if it isn`t, please Ask Away and we will respond within two business days.

We have sorted these questions into nine key performance areas. Please select your area of primary interest below.

Recent Questions

Q. Daniel writes, 

I am a regional sales manager for a large retail chain.  A high rate of product returns in my region have been a concern for years.  In some of my stores, returns routinely exceed 20% of total sales. What can I do to reduce the number of returns in our stores?

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Q. Abdul writes, 

I opened an authentic restaurant in a city that isn’t very multicultural assuming that the uniqueness and originality of the cuisine and environment would be an advantage.  However I’m struggling to break even most months. What can I do to turn this around? 

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Q. Duncan writes, 

For the last 25 years, I’ve been working as a marketing manager for a large retailer.  One of my key challenges is what to do with excess inventory at my store. Limited by our national marketing layout as dictated by the head office, my only option is to pretty much hide my additional inventory long enough (according to the policy) and then qualify it for clearance, and or salvage. Any advice on a better way to address such an issue?

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